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day five

Started the day in Dover, NH. Said our goodbyes to PLAN folks and then made our way south towards Boston. Pretty quiet, flat ride most of the way. Stopped for lunch by a reservoir in Haverhill, MA. Felt like kings of the road.

Bike in to Boston was pretty harmless. We're staying with my friend, Luke in Beacon Hill and it felt rather easy riding into the city. While we waited for him to get off work, we people-watched in the Public Gardens just south of the Boston Commons.

Most exceptionally memorable parts of yesterday occurred when Luke and his father Joe (who was also in town for the evening) took us out to dinner. Luke managed to get us a free meal at an italian restaurant AND get us in to one of Boston's rooftop bars for drinks by pulling some of his concierge strings. Still kind of whirling after last night. Not expecting anything like this for the most of the ride.

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